When did Helen Steiner Rice live?
Helen Steiner Rice was born May 19, 1900 and died April 23, 1981.
(See Ambassador of Sunshine page)
What is the purpose of the Foundation?
Prior to her passing in 1981, Mrs. Rice established this foundation,
a non-profit corporation whose purpose is to award grants to worthy
charitable programs that aid the poor, the needy, and the elderly.
In her lifetime, these were the individuals to whom Mrs. Rice
dedicated her charitable giving.
Does the Foundation assist with publishing?
The Foundation does not take any role in the review of manuscripts
or the solicitation or publication of any material by any author
unless it incorporates the writing of Helen Steiner Rice or her
likeness. The Foundation appreciates the opportunity to review
materials containing these references.
How is a grant application filed?
1. At this time grants are awarded only to groups in the Lorain
and Cincinnati areas.
2. Applicant must be IRS approved non-profit.
3. As of June 1, 2005, organizations running programs in Lorain County, Ohio should contact Linda Weaver at the Community Foundation of greater Lorain County. Please click on the Grant Info link to get the correct contact information and application form.
4. As of June 1, 2005, organizations in the Greater Cincinnati area should contact Mr. James Huizenga at the Greater Cincinnati Foundation. Application information can be obtained by contacting Mr. Huizenga or his staff at the Greater Cincinnati Foundation. Please click on the Grant Info link to get the correct contact information.